Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Quake hits off Indonesia

CNN.com reports:

An earthquake measuring a preliminary magnitude of 8.2 struck off the coast of Indonesia today -- on the same fault line that originated a December 26 earthquake that launched a deadly tsunami. The director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said scientists there feared another tsunami might hit the area. "There is a potential for some wave activity," said Julie Martinez, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Center.

Please pray for the people in those areas, pray for their lives and for early anticipation of what ought to happen for measures to be taken in areas affected.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Happy Easter

"For in due time, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. For God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself." - Romans 5:6

Happy easter everyone! It sure is a nice weekend to be heading out here and there. We've lightsped our way all the way to the end of March now and it sure is refreshing to come across a significant weekend to reflect upon. But what are we reflecting about in this day?

Easter is a day to remember the glory and triumph of Christ over Satan and our sins. His resurrection puts him on the right side of our Heavenly Father's throne interceding for us and building the bridge by which we would walk to heaven. We are reconciled to the God who seeks to know us personally by the blood of Christ. Lest we slack and take things for granted...

For life is not a bed of roses, and after Jesus had been crucified and subsequently resurrected, his teachings have not died. He had came down to die for our sins, and left us with teachings that we should abide by, for obedience is greater than sacrifice. Let Easter serve to us a reminder for the troubles that Jesus had to go through in order to save us from eternal damnation, and not deviate far away from the Word.

Let us not wander astray for Satan has not given up hope to reclaim our souls. I need not remind the state of this world that we live in, which masks Satan's hidden agenda.

But one which perhaps does not seem so hidden afterall yet sinister enough to convince us that Satan does know where to start is this story.

A Christian leader—we’ll call him Steve —was traveling recently by plane. He noticed that the man sitting two seats over was thumbing through some little cards and moving his lips. The man looked professorial with his goatee and graying brown hair, and Steve placed him at fifty-something. Sure the man was a fellow-believer, Steve leaned over to engage him in conversation.
“Looks to me like you’re memorizing something,” he said.

“No, actually I was praying,” the man said.

Steve introduced himself. “I believe in prayer too,” he said.

“Well, I have a specific assignment,” said the man with the goatee.

“What’s that?” Steve asked.

“I’m praying for the downfall of Christian pastors.”

“I would certainly fit into that category,” Steve said. “Is my name on the list?”

“Not on my list,” the man replied.

Common Ground, Vol. 10 No. 7

Source: http://www.bible.org/illus.asp?topic_id=386

Now how could we all Christians slack amidst such devotion into bringing down our leaders? The thought of this is scary, but it's just one of many ways we are being edged out. Easter is a time to celebrate, but we cannot afford to be negligent and underestimate Satan.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Know that a 3-inch tongue can kill a 6-foot man

Pummkin said:

With reference to my previous post; Apply Matthew 18.

When you speak in truth & sincerity, you are doing out of love not of spite. We are called to set ourselves apart to stand in the gap & pray for the oppressed, the sick & the needies. Why then, do we need to be concerned with the behaviours of many, who serve not to edify you but to bring you down with thoughts of criticism, judgment & condemnation? God did say that vengeance was His. We give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. There is so much power in the words that proceed from our mouths. Remember God spoke & the world came into being. If we are made in the image of Him, how much more can these words bring forth? Especially when we have the Christ living within us? How much more could we proclaim if we do not proclaim in the name of Jesus?

This comment was made by pummkin under the comments section of my previous post "This is the way with some of us" which i found extremely encouraging.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This is the way with some of us

This is quite a commentary. A bold uncompromising Christian living beside compromisers speaking his mind. and the truth too might i add.

For your convenience, if you don't feel like clicking the link, this is the part i really like from the article:

"The problem with the progressive wing of today’s Church is not that the devil makes us do bad things - “smoke, drink, chew or go with boys/girls who do” - but that we are so damnably quiet, so status quo subservient in our niceness, that we ignore the Spirit’s leading and play patsy with the most seductive temptation of all: namely, to go along in order to get along, which is natural for us and all human beings, given the innate hunger for bread, power and entitlement all of us harbor." - Joseph Sprague

It's not Greek nor is it hard to understand what implication this paragraph serves to show. It is true that people value companionship with high regards, that some people would go a certain distance for friend. At times for us as Christians, it goes beyond what we are supposed to do. We compromise, we keep quiet, we stand back, stand still, tremble, we ignore, we contemplate, we question ourselves, we accept, and we allow the feeling of being accepted to forge ahead of our priorities in life.

Don't misinterpret me. I am not asking people to sever any ties with people who do not share the same views or hold the same beliefs as you. But rather to speak up, aloud of Christ and do not be ashamed of Him who is greater than all of us. Why do some of us profess our faiths so timidly as without regards for the Saviour who purchased our souls with blood? Why do we keep the knowledge that Jesus came down to save us from eternal flames to ourselves?

Our Bible is being defiled, our rights to voice as Christians are being limited, the Bible is being disregarded with many of people's own interpretations and yet our community is so damnably quiet. It's like we're sitting here basking in all the pleasures and glories of this world, forgetting we serve a sovereign God. If we sit tightly and quietly too long, we risk losing our voice to voice out the truth later on.

Easter is near. Take a friend to church, or go out as a family and rekindle the REAL significance of Easter. Speak out, and let us all rededicate our dicipleship and follow after Him all the days of our lives.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Isn't God supposed to make life easy and cool?

Isn't going to church and worshipping God supposed to make everything easy and cool?

Apparently not. I'm perhaps echoing the sentiments of many bloggers out there, who seem unfulfilled by church-going. Who desperately tries to find 'home' in churches, who are deeply affected by people who are fake but appear in church all the time, who wonder what in the world is going on with their lives.

I'll say that perhaps if feelings such as these follow you wherever you go, it's good (im not crazy/stupid). It probably means that many are genuine in their search for God, trying to use hope and faith to seek Him. Obviously we all hope we would be able to go to a church we are comfortable with and we step into church with faith, believing God has set the right path for us. But the emptiness sets in, the feeling of devoid in the people around you sets in, the hypocrisy of the congregation sets in.

This i believe is implanted by none other than the Devil himself. The eternal liar and the father of lies. The Devil is cunning in all its schemes. He takes advantage of your desperations of looking for a church, the emptiness you feel inside. He creates negativity in your mind and your thinking about the church. He takes advantage of our confusions, and fused them with lies. Although i must not attribute everything to the Devil, i believe, if you were genuine about going to church you WILL face temptations not to go, you WILL meet people you wished you hadn't known.

It is simply illogical that the path to the Kingdom of God would be a smooth one, for why would Satan allow you to get to know God better so easily? Why would he not tempt you? Why would he not try to confuse you? Why would he not try to make you feel empty? Why would he, out of all the perils he can bring to you, not find something to inflict upon you and hinder you from experiencing the great joy of going to church? I might add that the decay of churches of the world is not something many Christians themselves would freely admit. We have to pray harder than ever for our churches to stay together, to stay in the Light and to preach the word.

If we weren't really genuine (not going for the sake of going, or to boast, or to feel good, or to give yourself a chance to sin since God would forgive my sins when i ask him to) about going to church and building relationships with God, treating church like a Sunday morning activity, that is all we're ever going to get. Appointments in church but nothing much more than that. Life in church would be easy and cool, but unfulfilling.

Bear in mind that life as a Christian is not easy. If we were earnestly seeking God, life would be hell. Satan would present to you hell at its highest temperatures. If we were walking in line with the world, there is no need for Satan to make life a living hell because we've got an eternity of hell to look forward to anyway.

So let me reiterate that it's normal for life to be hell. You just have to stand firm, hold strongly and deflect all the negativities about the church from your mind. If you still consciously have doubts, don't give up, just try another church and pray harder. God listens. And yes, God does make life easy and cool, but we often underestimate the existence of Satan and how he can manipulate us just like he did with Eve (and Adam) and make life hell, confusing, depressing and empty.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Ways God uses problems

Five Ways God Uses Problems :-

The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you - depending on how you respond to them. Unfortunately, most people fail to see how God wants to use problems for good in their lives. They react foolishly and resent their problems rather than pausing toconsider what benefit they might bring. Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life:

1. God uses problems to DIRECT you. Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving. Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change. Is God trying to get your attention? "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

2. God uses problems to INSPECT you. People are like tea bags... if you want to know what's inside them, just drop them into hot water! Has God tested your faith with a problem? What do problems reveal about you? "When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience."James 1:2-3

3. God uses problems to CORRECT you. Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure. It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove. But you probably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn the value of something by losing it. "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes." Psalm 119:72

4. God uses problems to PROTECT you. A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from being harmed by something more serious. Last year a friend was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his boss had asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year later when management's actions were eventually discovered. "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good" Genesis 50:20

5. God uses problems to PERFECT you. Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders. God is far more interested in your character than your comfort. Your relationship to God and your character are the only two things you're going to take with you into eternity. "We can rejoice when we run into problems... they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady." Romans 5:3-4

Here's the point: God is at work in your life - even when you don't recognize it or understand it. But it's so much easier when you surrender to his plan for your life.

God Bless You

Note: this was taken from an email forwarded to me, and i wish to note that i am not the original author.